Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman has met a similar fate to that of social media influencer Minahil Malik. The Instagrammer is facing intense trolling after her explicit videos went viral on social A screenshot shared by The Express Tribune showed Ms Rehman's TikTok page where she had changed the bio to, "Jab tak video viral hai maine ne ID off kar di hai (Till the time video is viral, I Get Latest Updates on Trending News Viral News, Video, Photos and Weather Updates of India and around the world News / Trending / Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman deactivates social media accounts Pakistan TikTok star Imsha Rehman has deactivated her social media accounts after her private video went viral. She faced a lot of backlash from social media users, who accused her of Imsha addressed about the viral video in her bio, saying, "Jab tak video viral hai maine ne ID off kar di hai." In October this year, Minahil Malik's intimate video went viral on social media. Imsha Rehman Viral Video Leak: Pakistani TikTok star Imsha Rehman deactivated her social media accounts. Her explicit videos were leaked online. The videos showed Rehman in a compromising position with a friend. They were shared on platforms like X and Instagram. Rehman spoke about the pressure of living in the public eye. She said the backlash was overwhelming. Read the story of Pakistani TikTok star Imsha Rehman, who deactivated her social media accounts following a private video leak. Know about her rise to fame, the impact of the controversy, and the Subsequent viral tweets and posts created a cascading effect, attaining significant traction across social media. 3. The Viral Spread 3.1 How the Video Went Viral. The video went viral due to several factors: strategic sharing by users, hashtag activism, and the inherent controversy surrounding leaked content. Users on social media platforms Rehman addressed the issue before leaving social media Pakistani TikTok star Imsha Rehman has deactivated her social media accounts
following the leak of a private video. According to local reports, the alleged video was circulated across social media, leading to widespread trolling. The videos, showing Rehman in compromising situations, were widely shared on social media. This incident follows a similar controversy surrounding TikTok star Minahil Malik, whose private video